
Let’s Celebrate Worship of Tools Day

High def plasmasteel cuttingsteel profile cutterssteel profile cuttingWorship of Tools Day
Published by: iFactory Support, March 10, 2017

There are few things that a worker values more than tools. To a tradesperson, tools are extensions of themselves; a part of their lifestyle. Tools are so important they’ve been given their own day. That’s right; March 11th of each year marks Worship of Tools Day.

The day, which is celebrated internationally, is a chance for all those that work with tools to take the time to appreciate them and to perhaps invest in a new tool or two. It’s a day to visit your local hardware store, spend some time in the garage or tool shed, or to embark on a new project with some of your mates. Whether you decide to clean your tools, reorganise them or use them to create something new, Worship of Tools Day is an important day for all those handy-people out there.

When most people think of tools they may think of the household variety, along the lines of everyday hammers, spanners, screwdrivers, drills and wrenches. But let’s not forget about all the bigger, more specialised tools out there. Industrial manufacturers use industrial machinery tools such as mills (vertical, heavy duty and CNC), metal shears, grinders (surface, O.D., I.D. and rotary), presses (H frame, OBI and arbor), saws, bandsaws and sanders.

In the steel profile cutting sector, there are several machines that we rely on every day including oxy cutting, high def plasma cutting and laser cutting machines. These tools are essential in providing fast, flexible and reliable profile cutting services. At ShapeCUT, we are equipped with ten modern machines and are currently Queensland’s largest privately owned metal processing firm. We would like to take this opportunity to show our appreciation to all of the incredible machines that continue to make our steel cutting work possible.

Whether you require steel profile cutters, bevelling, drilling, bending, rolling or machining, we have the tools to help. Contact us today on 1800 ShapeCUT (1800 742 732) or email us at